1.A preliminary payment equivalent to 70% of the total project cost is required before work can commence.
2.The balance, representing the outstanding portion, will be invoiced and is expected upon the successful completion of the project.

1.In the event of project cancellation prior to commencement, the deposit will be eligible for a full refund.
2.If the customer choose to cancel the project after it has commenced, the deposit becomes non-refundable

1. The scope of the project will be defined in writing before work begins.
2. Any changes to the project scope must be agreed upon in writing by both parties.

1. All intellectual property rights for the project will belong to the customer upon completion of the project.
2. The agent grants the business a license to use the project materials for promotional purposes.

The Deproduct agrees to keep all project information confidential

1. The business is not liable for any damages or losses incurred by the customer as a result of the project.
2. The customer is responsible for ensuring that all materials provided to the business are free from copyright or trademark infringement

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